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This article is a reflection on American history and asks the question, What IS America? The answer is given by me, an American white woman, looking behind me, into history, to find out what is great about this place we call, America. 



Let me begin here:


America was founded by white men for white men.  Bringing their version of weapons of mass destruction, (guns and turns out, disease) round after round of white men stormed this land murdering most of its indigenous peoples; a romanticized time in history for some. White women were essentially owned by fathers or husbands as white men grew and grew in ways of unjust privilege and power on this new land. When it came to white dominance in this new country, few white women were included.


Naturally, white men wanted white women around for the bare essentials; cooking, cleaning, sexing, child rearing - but women’s rights as humans or citizens were certainly not recognized.  I’m not saying some men didn’t love their women, but we would have to concede that it was a different kind of love.  Besides, white male scientists of the day convinced much of society that women weren’t intelligent enough to be independent beings - having brains too small to make decisions.


White women have and still do fight tooth and nail for the civil rights we have – rights attempted to be kept from us by white men. Great white Christian America didn’t just give rights to us when we asked! Shoot, we were being burned at the stake, declared witches by white men for hundreds of years for daring to think for ourselves. Nine million women worldwide were murdered for being suspected independent thinkers. 


9,000,000 (See the documentary "The Burning Times")


Think of it, white women have only been able to VOTE in this great America for 100 years. This country started becoming inhabited by whites in the 1400’s with a declaration of independence signed in the late 1700’s.  And then we are talking another 220 years before getting anywhere.


It was only recently in 1920 when white women finally got to vote! In America! We were far behind other countries who had already submitted.

To review the history of the suffragettes is to know America. Their tenacity and self awareness of the extraordinary and god given female contribution to this creation is deeply moving.

Today’s America

So what IS America TODAY? One place to look is your refrigerator, food cabinets and supply shelves to know ‘what’ America is today. The corporate labels you see on your food and other items are integral to what America is - a corporate enterprise with established big wigs at the top - bought and paid for by corporations. 


The meat in your fridge likely came from a corporate factory farm where our fellow animals are imprisoned and denied their natural lifestyle on Earth. As goes for any country, What is America can be found in the quality of the lives of the other species of animals we share land, water and air with.

Today, I feel that we could call America, McDonald’s, or Domino’s, or KFC. They’re in every city and town, purely corporate, cheap food enterprises - ensuring future revenue for the American corporate medical cartel for when cancer and heart disease strike from eating the toxic trash they’ve addicted the people to. 

We could call America - Amazon, NASA or Walmart. We could call it Enron or Lockheed Martin.  We could call it the Fed.

Corporations are what take us into war and what manufacture the weapons we use to kill each other.

America today is where when you are born you are stamped with a social security number and a future debt to pay.  Everything you do will cost you to do it. Even hunting and fishing - you will pay the government for the 'privilege'. You were labeled as a ‘citizen’ of a nation and are now financially and morally responsible to the governing body determining your life belongs to them.  No other options offered. 

Your name in capital letters on your birth certificate and social security card are not ‘you’ the sovereign, god created being, but 'you' the corporate enterprise, owned by the government, forced to live by their rules, or else. 


Make America Great Again is a vague slogan that former game show host and six time bankruptcy victim, Donald Trump, has yet to properly elaborate on. He’s never specified when he’s talking about that America was so great - nor has he itemized HOW it will be great like that again. 

Seems like need to know information.

Let’s muse:

Is he thinking at its inception? Like the beginning? When the country was still brand new, wild and free, unharmed by its long time inhabitants? When white men were kicking those brown godless asses and taking names with no accountability whatsoever?

Or maybe he is talking about the time just before The Fed? He doesn’t seem to like the Jewish driven Federal Reserve so might he be referring to America when it was still on the Gold Standard and actually stood behind its (white male) citizens investments with actual precious metal?

Or, maybe Trump is thinking just after WW2?  America made its name in the world with its military influence in Europe. The world went through a time of negatively reinforced unity, war had brought the world into a common focus and due to war, the economy was decent.

Some Trump supports are quoted as saying he’s referring to the years around 2000. 

It’s a question that is up for debate and only one person can clear it up but his supporters don’t seem to require, much less demand, straightforward, academic answers.

In the end, what Donald Jessica Trump really means when he says Make America Great Make America White Again. His undeniable disdain for the presidency of his half black predessesor, as well as his narcissistic personality disorder, added to his performance during the Central Park 5 tragedy makes this more than clear.

An Experiment?

"They" call it a grand social experiment....?

(Overseen by the Rothschild mad scientists, no less).

So here’s my breakdown of what's happened during the experiment.

The experiment seems to be that white people from England and other imperialist European countries, came to this land already inhabited by people who had been here for thousands of years. A cultural annihilation took place and occupation of the already occupied land. Remaining native children were forced into Jesuit school systems and/or placed in concentration camps still existing today called, ‘reservations’.

African people were bought and sold for slavery, harshly abused, traumatized and tortured by those who 'owned' them.

Eventually a 'constitution' and 'declaration of independence' were propped up as the new absolute law of the land. The enslaved were used to forage the fine architecture unable to be constructed by the men who used the comfy offices within those buildings to make rights for themselves and no one else. 

"We the People" should have read…."We the White Men, (the rest of you will have to fight us to celebrate the same basic rights) in order to form a more perfect union..."

We the people had nothing to do with ALL the people, it was only for them and it's been a fight against this imbalance for the life of the country.  

As I said before, white women were not even included in the constitution or declaration of independence. And other white people from places deemed as undesirable, shit holes no doubt, would also be excluded and segregated into a life of poverty, poverty we see all over America, among all races, to this very day.

There is Something GREAT

What’s great about America is what’s great about the hearts of many human beings - the will to fight and to keep fighting until justice is done.

So what exactly are we founded upon to make us proud? 

The freedom fighters, of all the generations.

The men and women who fought for civil rights for all people should be proud. The white men who were freedom fighters are what make America great. Black people make America great and should be proud that they and their ancestors and descendants survive and are courageous to live in a place where they endured such inhumane treatment. 

This American experiment involved hundreds of years of the enslavement and torment of countless generations of human beings and until reparation and acknowledgment are fulfilled, this experiment will remain strained, sick and stagnantly unable to more forth. It is a sticking point that won't budge, no matter how angrily people deny that the descendants of the African people who had their lives ruined for generations, deserve to be paid for lifetimes of unpaid torturous labor and loss of independence. 

Shall I Leave?

I do not accept the false history of greatness imposed upon me by the American school system, the military industrial complex.........or by Donald Trump.

I do my own research because I have my own mind and I am not a parrot stupidly singing the glories of an establishment that continues to deny me and others, simple equality's.  

When I look at this magnificent creation I feel connected to something greater than just a 'country' and through the eyes history, I do not perceive that America is the epitome of greatness, not when so many have suffered here...and still do.

We don't even give our school children healthy lunches.

Does that mean I’m going to leave?

No. It means I will do what I can to improve it. 

From my angle, that means taking care of our land and economy.  It means investing in citizens resources and especially children.  It means carefully and compassionately screening those from other parts of this same Earth who would like to live here too and allow them to enter as equal human beings. Welcoming those who appreciate justice and do not feel to exclude those they do not understand and refuse to learn about.

It means being the best person I can be and contributing to the good of the whole.

America is no melting pot. It never has been. It’s a pot with many segregated compartments. Those in control are not even in the pot. They are the ones manipulating the fire, adding toxic ingredients and keeping everybody exactly where they want them.

To me, its the best of the freedom fighters. The human and animal rights activists. Those who seek to end needless suffering and oppression and to establish balance and health to the planet and its inhabitants.  

What do you think America IS?